You can see how small the sailboats are and also how small the kids are. You can also see the 17th Street Causeway bridge open for boats. A lovely sunny afternoon with just enough of a breeze to make sailing enjoyable.
If you are into bridges that open, check out the website about the building of the 17th St Causeway Bridge. http://www.dot.state.fl.us/structures/botm/17thstreet/17thstreet.htm They have some nice photos there as well as stats about the bridge. It is the newest and largest bridge that we have in Fort Lauderdale.

We have to say that the service department at Varsity Cycles is really top notch! They are so nice and accommodating. We are also lucky in that we have a 3 year warranty.

Are pontoons and sails on the horizon for the scoots?
I love looking at your pics of Vespas, palm trees, warm waters and sail boats, especially on these cold winter days!
irondad, afraid we are landlubbers. Is that a word?
Kano, so glad we can warm up your cold day. We read about all the winter rides and are amazed at how they can do it. If the temp drops out of the 70's here we are shivering and whining whimps.
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