Frenchie has had a new swing arm, a new motor mount, & a variety of replaced pieces. Can this yellow Vespa be a "lemon"? The motor runs good and the ride is good, just very noisy with a high pitched squeak.
Does anyone out there have any idea what is going on with the new yellow LX150 Vespas? Heinz, our red LX150, runs like a Swiss clock and almost as quiet. But you hear Frenchie coming down the road before he arrives. He is beautiful but Bad!
it could help if you somewhat recorded the sound and posted it to us!
It's weird, as I usually can track any vibrating noise or rattle, but a chirp, geez, is pretty strange!
I realize that some time has gone by since you introduced us to Frenchie and his/her chirp. I too have a 2007 yellow lx 150 that also had a chirp. Went to the shop a couple of times with little positive result. I now have close to 700 miles on the clock and the "chirp" is all but gone. So I'm guessing that time and miles solved the problem. I loved my LX from the beginning and love it even more today.
I also have a yellow LX150, now with 1200 miles. Had the terrible chirp (sounds like a monkey is living in the pet warmer), had the swing arm replaced to correct it, and it was great for about a month. Now the swing arm is back with a vengeance, and my dealer is not being terribly helpful. Sigh.
sorry, the chirp is back with a vengeance in my previous post, he he
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