After more than two months of dealing with this awful squeaking, we finally found a solution. We went on the Internet to research the problem and discovered a wonderful message board for Vespa owners, http://modernvespa.com/ . We also found out that there are lots of squeaking LX 150 Vespas out there and lots of people looking for solutions. So we posted to the message board and got an email from a Vespa dealer in San Jose, CA that told us how he fixed the problem. He did not want to put the instructions on the message board because the fix that he created was not sanctioned by Vespa.
Our Vespa dealer went directly to the USA tech representative out in California and discussed the problem with them. Replacing the swing arm will resolve the problem if you get a swing arm that was manufactured recently. If you are receiving swing arms that were manufactured prior to them discovering the problem, then you are replacing a bad swing arm with another bad swing arm. That is what was happening with us. However there is a way to fix the old swing arms without having to replace them. That is what the dealer in San Jose did, “some creative mechanics”. Let us know if you need some help with that. Joe, our service rep will be happy to help you too.
We are looking forward to hitting the road this weekend and enjoying a smoother quieter ride.
For fun here is a photo of an iguana sunning by the canal. He is really not too big; there are some big mamas here in SoFla. And they are soooooooo fast.
Our Vespa dealer went directly to the USA tech representative out in California and discussed the problem with them. Replacing the swing arm will resolve the problem if you get a swing arm that was manufactured recently. If you are receiving swing arms that were manufactured prior to them discovering the problem, then you are replacing a bad swing arm with another bad swing arm. That is what was happening with us. However there is a way to fix the old swing arms without having to replace them. That is what the dealer in San Jose did, “some creative mechanics”. Let us know if you need some help with that. Joe, our service rep will be happy to help you too.
We are looking forward to hitting the road this weekend and enjoying a smoother quieter ride.
For fun here is a photo of an iguana sunning by the canal. He is really not too big; there are some big mamas here in SoFla. And they are soooooooo fast.

Joe and his crowd took two months to find a faulty relay in my GTS. Free under warranty, but slow as molasses and not much use for a daily rider.
conchscooter, how come you were bringing your Vespa all the way to Fort Lauderdale? Are there no shops in Key West? I know there is one in Miami, but I guess it is owned by the same people. Thanks for dropping by and giving me a heads up.
You have a great place to scooter!
Palm Beach Ft Lauderdale and Miami are all the same company but Miami couldn't fihure out why my GTS was stalling. Key West has plenty oif scooter shops but my GTS was under warranty at the time and it was a "free" though pianfully long fix. My wife's ET4 gets looked after in Key West.
I've seen lots of pix from Florida of iguanas sunning themselves. Are they pets, or do they just run loose like, say, squirrels?
Scootin' Old Skool
Orin, They run loose like squirrels. And they are becoming a real pest for many homewowners as they eat plants so they can destroy a flower bed in a really short time. I have a friend that has them around his pool so he has to watch out and not fall asleep or he will have an iguana nap partner. He has been abruptly awakend by one crawling over his arm. They are not pretty!
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