We went North this morning up to the town of Juno Beach, which is about 15 miles from our starting point of West Palm Beach. The weather was great, sunny and warm, like what’s new in South Florida?

Juno Beach has over 2 miles of beaches and wonderful facilities all along the way. A1A runs parallel to the beaches so we could ride right along the coast. We aren’t the only ones who love these beaches. The town’s coastline is one of the highest density nesting areas for sea turtles in the world with more than 1,000 nestings per mile. We were privileged once to actually watch one of the sea turtles make her nest and bury her eggs. It was very special. But it was one of the times we did not have a camera with us. They come ashore in the evening dig a hole and lay their eggs and then return to the ocean. Then very early in the morning there are patrols that find the mounds and rescue the eggs to a hatchery where they are safe until they hatch, then they are also returned to the sea. We are very protective of our wildlife and even street lights are dimmed or turned off so as not to confuse the turtles. Guess that is good fodder for another post.

We took a break for breakfast/lunch and hit one of the hot spots of the town, Juno Beach Café. When we got there the place was full, but by the time we left most had filled their bellies and went their way. We were a little late so we missed the live music, just watched the guy load all of his instruments into his car. Guess we will have to get there earlier next time.

Juno Beach boasts a really nice 990 Foot Fishing Pier. We didn’t fish but we walked the Pier and what a great view of the coastline from the end of the pier. The water was so clear that near the beach it was transparent and turquoise blue. It turns to a darker green as it gets deeper.

The title of your post says it all...what a beautiful beach! The water looks amazing. A couple of years ago I went to a conference in Naples, which looks to be a ways from where you are, but I was impressed with the sun and the water there. Pretty nice living!
Very beautiful. I enjoyed the Juno tour...thank you much!
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