Delray Beach is a seaside village located in South Palm Beach County right on the Atlantic Ocean and boasts 2 miles of beautiful beaches. It is known as a first class resort city, offering a friendly pedestrian atmosphere. But since we showed you so much beach last post, we decided to tell you about a favorite area that we like in Delray called Pineapple Grove.

In recent years Delray Beach has become the entertainment hub of South Palm Beach County with the proliferation of upscale restaurants nightclubs and art galleries and a distinct pedestrian friendly environment. The sidewalks along the busy Atlantic Ave are lined with shops, galleries and restaurants and lead east to the beaches. We’ll be talking about other eateries that we frequent here, but today was Brule Bistro.

Well we had to put one beach photo in, or you wouldn't believe that we were at the beach. Delray beach offers facilities for the whole family and the only thing lacking is ample parking. We could not pass up the chance to take a photo of this gas guzzling Hummer that was parked just in front of us at the beach. If you are a resident of Delray Beach you can purchase a yearly pass for parking. Another plus for beach goers is the availability of passes for beach lounge chairs, you can not only pay daily, weekly, or monthly, but you can get a pass for the whole year. That means you don’t have to haul your chair and umbrella to the beach so you can just jump into your bathing suit and onto your scooter and go. That appeals to us.

Beautiful post - I love the colors of the buildings there.
Let's see...140 mpg combined for your two Vespas vs. maybe 17 mpg for the Hummer??? I like your choice of vehicle!
Not many bistro's in my neck of the woods and like Lance said those building are a lot more colorful than what we are used to seeing up here.
We are having a warm November up here as well, though the temperature isn't in the eighties, trust me when I say that I'm enjoying the 40 degree weather that we are experiencing, no worries of ice and my facesheild doesn't fog up every time I exhale! That's a real luxury for those of us in the Northern climates.
Ride Well
you're so lucky to be having such good weather DOWN there. UP here it is hovering near freezing at nights, but during the day goes up to around 50°F . We had FROST this morning, windshields were all white with ice. No scooting with ice on the roads, and yesterday we had lots of FOG.
I think you might be on the high side with your estimation on gas mileage for the Hummer. I've heard they are lucky if they get 8 mpg
glad to hear your November is not freezing yet. This week our temps have dropped so we are feeling the bite.
Would you believe the very next day the temps dropped to 70 and this week we have even had mornings with 50. For us that is "long handle" weather.
Maybe the Hummer is the hybrid version??? That's gotta be at least 12 mpg!!!
not so fast, Lance!
If the vespas individually get 70mpg, then two of them get 35 mpg, not 140! and if the hummer gets 17mpg, two people riding in the hummer get 34mpg, right?
Not so bad! Maybe the guy has a family, and needed the hummer just to drag them all around. (Yeah, right! If he had a family, he couldn't afford it.)
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