Yes we have moved up the road a piece. We have left Fort Lauderdale for West Palm Beach. For those of you who don’t know the area, it is about 45 miles north of Fort Lauderdale and still on the Atlantic Coast. The photo above shows the Intracoastal Waterway and across is Palm Beach and then the ocean.

Because of the move and all the things that one has to do when one moves, we have not posted to our blog in almost two months. Can’t believe how time has gone by.

We have been riding some and have taken a few photos. It is quite beautiful here too. Downtown West Palm Beach is very scooter friendly and we see lots of other people scootering around the city. The town really has a big city flavor with all the tall buildings. Many are new and many are restored. A great mixture of architecture and sitting right on the Intracoastal Waterway, which by the way is much wider here than in Fort Lauderdale. We love walking and riding along it.

There is a nice area on a street called Clematis where they have a park and a slew of water jets for kids to play in. There are usually at least a dozen little ones running and jumping and playing in the water. We took this picture early on a Sunday morning before the crowd arrived. It is a great way to cool off on a hot summer Florida day. And then stop by Sloans for an ice cream.

The roads along the ocean in Palm Beach are spectacular for riding. On One side of the two lane road there is the ocean, a huge turquoise blue spreading out for miles and on the other side of the road sits mansion after mansion in park like settings. A truly spectacular ride.

We are excited to have lots of new places to discover. Now that we are back in the swing of things, we should be posting pretty regularly. We have also missed out on reading a lot of our favorite scooter blogs. We're back!
I did wonder what had happened.
Welcome Back...great pictures as usual.
West Palm beach is a beautiful place to be at, so you should eventually have a lot to tell
Welcome back! I was worred about you. West Palm Beach looks beautiful! Congrats, on the move.
First time on your blog, and I really enjoyed your post and pictures!
Wow! Sloan's looks so out of place among everything else. Is there a story behind the place? You'll have to go have more ice cream in order to investigate and share. Purely for research purposes, of course!
Congratulations on the new place. Hopefully that's what you wanted.
Hi Conch,
Thanks for dropping by. We have been lucky this year so far with hurricanes. Let's keep out fingers crossed.
Hello baron's life,
Glad you enjoyed our pics. We enjoy taking and sharing them.
Hi Kano,
yea you know how time gets away from us. You took a bit of time off and we were worried about you too. We get hooked on these connections.
Hi Lance,
Thanks for the nice words and hope you come again. We will check out your blog.
Hi Irondad, We always enjoy your comments. Yea guess Sloans is a local guy?? Don't know, but he was quoted recently as throwing away some frozen yogurt that he bought to test, so guess he is a real ice cream expert.
Glad you're back - I like your new stomping grounds. Hey I need some more pics of Heinz & Frenchie in your new home area!
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