The City of Lake Worth is located in central Palm Beach County on the eastern coast of Florida. It is due south of Palm Beach and considered part of the South Florida Metropolitan area. It gets it’s name from a historical General, William J. Worth. Actually we found out that there are several cities names for this general and he has a very interesting history. If you are keen on knowing more about him then click on his name above.

There is even a paperback book, (used) at Amazon called “Lake Worth(Images of America: Florida. Better hurry as there were only 4 available costing from $99 to $158. It has 128 pages and was published in 1999. That is a pricey paperback affair. But the cover is a really neat photo. Check it out. http://www.amazon.com/Lake-Worth-Images-America-Florida/dp/0738500550/ref=si3_rdr_bb_product

Lake Worth Beach has 1,300 feet of guarded beaches. Most of the life guard huts are set among the vegetation bordering the beach. Today they had yellow flags flying which means medium hazard and some sea pests.

The amenities are very nice and include showers, and picnic facilities. A nice park borders the beach area and many people bring their chairs and books and enjoy the ocean view while resting in the shade of the many trees.

There are 6 retail stores in the Casino building and 2 sit-down restaurants. There is a full service restaurant and bar on the pier, called Bennie’s on the Beach. You can see it in the distance in the 2 photos below. It sits right at the beginning of the pier and there are always thirsty, hungry folks there.

The pier is being repaired and these two photos below show the damage from two different storms. Here is a link to the story on the pier. http://www.lakeworth.org/index.asp?Type=B_PR&SEC=%7b4DB44AD3-FD61-4080-8550-64738F9159F8%7d&DE=%7b0FA70E7F-8E92-4029-B491-ED566C632BB0%7d It was damaged quite a lot during Hurricane Frances in 2004. The project is supposed to take 18 months but Benny’s on the Beach is open.

We had noticed that a little south of this beach area was a hot spot for surfers and while looking around the Internet we fell on this site with photos of kids surfing on Lake Worth Beach so thought I would include it here http://www.geofffox.com/gallery/Surfing-off-Lake-Worth-Pier-Florida/IMG_3071 Some nice photography there.
In the photo below you can barely see two sailboats way out in the ocean. We are sure there are other areas of Lake Worth just waiting for us to explore another time. Hope you enjoyed this visit.

Ok. I'll bite, no pun intended. What does "a few sea pests" mean? Like really small sharks as opposed to the big ones?
sea lice as i recall. death by a million itches. Now that's what people expect when they come to the keys. the beach i mean, not the lice. i shall re-route them to lake worth'smagnificent strand.
As Conch said sea lice is one itchy pest. But you can also be stung by a jellyfish. I don't think sharks are what they mean by yellow flag sea pests.
We know, the beaches are rather sad in the keys, much to the dismay of many tourists. Boating is better than beaching in the Keys. The diviing and snorkeling are the best.
Yeah, silly me. I guess sharks would be a red flag. What was I thinking?
Great description of Lake Worth - what a nice destination for you and your scooters!
Verrry nice...thanks for sharing.
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