Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Beaches of Palm Beach

These are some photos of the public beach here in the city of Palm Beach. Most of the beach area in Palm Beach is pretty private. But this area is the public beach, and while it is not the most welcoming of beaches, it is beautiful.

There is not a lot of parking, guess they don’t want too many people coming to their beaches. They don’t exactly roll out the welcome carpet. On a few of the side streets they allow one hour parking. Here is a picture of the sign. Now what can one do at the beach with only one hour…not much…get your feet wet? Start your tan? Build a sand castle? The other option is a limited number of parking meters that will set you back $2.00 an hour.

Parking aside, the worst inconvenience is NO BATHROOMS and one lone shower that barely works. Are they trying to tell us something? Without showers you are not able to rinse off the salt water from your skin and if there are sea lice in the ocean waters, you will have a nice red itchy rash the next day. Showering right after bathing in the ocean is certainly advisable, but standing in line to get under a slow uneven stream of water is not our idea of showering.
There are no shops or restaurants or bars. Wait! There is one expensive restaurant called Charley’s Crab, not a place you would go with your swimming attire. More like a place you would go after church.

Since it was a bit chilly today, there were not a lot of people in the water, but this lone surfer was braving the cold for his art. The tide was strong and going South so he would ride the waves for awhile and then when he found he had drifted way down South, he would walk back and start over. We enjoyed following him with our camera and thinking that he was doing a lot of work for a little joy.

Not exactly what they would call "Surfs Up" on the West Coast, but that is what you get in Florida.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
20 Miles To Our Favorite Bistro
Delray Beach is a seaside village located in South Palm Beach County right on the Atlantic Ocean and boasts 2 miles of beautiful beaches. It is known as a first class resort city, offering a friendly pedestrian atmosphere. But since we showed you so much beach last post, we decided to tell you about a favorite area that we like in Delray called Pineapple Grove.

In recent years Delray Beach has become the entertainment hub of South Palm Beach County with the proliferation of upscale restaurants nightclubs and art galleries and a distinct pedestrian friendly environment. The sidewalks along the busy Atlantic Ave are lined with shops, galleries and restaurants and lead east to the beaches. We’ll be talking about other eateries that we frequent here, but today was Brule Bistro.

Well we had to put one beach photo in, or you wouldn't believe that we were at the beach. Delray beach offers facilities for the whole family and the only thing lacking is ample parking. We could not pass up the chance to take a photo of this gas guzzling Hummer that was parked just in front of us at the beach. If you are a resident of Delray Beach you can purchase a yearly pass for parking. Another plus for beach goers is the availability of passes for beach lounge chairs, you can not only pay daily, weekly, or monthly, but you can get a pass for the whole year. That means you don’t have to haul your chair and umbrella to the beach so you can just jump into your bathing suit and onto your scooter and go. That appeals to us.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Beautiful Juno Beach

We went North this morning up to the town of

We took a break for breakfast/lunch and hit one of the hot spots of the town, Juno Beach Café. When we got there the place was full, but by the time we left most had filled their bellies and went their way. We were a little late so we missed the live music, just watched the guy load all of his instruments into his car. Guess we will have to get there earlier next time.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Green Market in Downtown WPB

We could not miss going and taking some photos. There was a great crowd, whole families with several generations, the kids and the dogs. What a great place to watch people and smell good food. The weather was great, as it tends to be here at this time of year, so everyone was out enjoying it. There was fresh fruits and vegetables, cooked food, cheeses, breads, pastas, coffees, a fantastic array of all thing edible. Plus the flowers were exceptional, orchids like we have never seen.

The colorful vegetables and fruits were a big hit as nothing tastes quite as good as veggies and friuts picked fresh from the fields.

And all kinds of pastas. We love pasta!

The Pet Adoption Organization was there with some adorable guys that needed a good home. Here are a couple of takers making their bid for this cute black dog.

These were two canine look-a-likes that met up at the Green Market.
This guy is waiting on his Mistress to finish her smoothie so he can get along home or at least hike a leg at that flower pot.
Look at the tongue on this one and the irrestible beggard look on his face. How can anyone say no?
The flowers were outstanding and a beautiful addition to the market. Don't know anyone who does not enjoy strolling through the plants. And the orchids were something else. Never seen some of the varieties.

When we got tired of shopping and eating we could flake out in the park adjacent to the Market.
We did see one scooter...
And the desperate Auto Dealership who goes to any lengths to sell cars.
Well if we did not spark your appetite, you must have already eaten.