The most popular spot is where Commercial Blvd. dead ends into the Ocean. The beach is nice and wide and hosts restaurants, shops and a fishing pier.

Famous Anglin's Pier, one of just four piers in Broward County, (another story) is also a popular spot with anglers and tourists. The pier has a quaint coffee shop at the beginning and then extends way out into the ocean.

This is an article that appeared in the New York Post back in March.
March 2, 2007 -- YOU DON'T have to spend a fortune to enjoy exciting fishing. In fact, it could happen just by sitting at the end of a pier.
Anglers who make their way south in the winter can tell you that pier fishing along the Florida coast can offer the unexpected. Last month, Jeffrey Dillon caught a goliath grouper estimated at more than 300 pounds while fishing off the Anglin's Fishing Pier at Lauderdale by the Sea. It took almost an hour to realize what he had on the end of his line.
"Somebody yelled, 'Get the net! We're gonna need a bigger net!' " Dillion said.
He eventually got the fish to land, where pictures were taken and the fish was released.
Pier fishing is a way of life for many. Anglin's Pier is located at the end of Commercial Boulevard in Lauderdale by the Sea. It opened in November 1963, and has been, and still is today, an important part of the city. The pier is close to the water, so if you like to use artificials, they can be worked pretty well from the height and angle from which you are fishing.
Anglin's Fishing Pier offers two types of fishing: sand and reef, and rock. From the bait house to the middle house is sand, and from the middle house out to the T is reef.
I've been there many times, and it's an inexpensive and fun place to fish.
Lauderdale-by-the-Sea is also listed as one of 8 great snorkeling spots in South Florida.
Commercial Boulevard and A1A, Lauderdale By The Sea
Something a little less formal then a park, one can just take a little walk either north or south of Anglin's Pier and swim out a couple hundred yards, where many kinds of fish, including nurse sharks, have been spotted. The prime spots for snorkeling here is a significant distance from the shore so snorkelers should be strong swimmers and bring a dive flag.
This was on one of the message boards:
There are three reef systems off Lauderdale-by=the-sea, depending how far out you wanna go. Don`t forget to bring dive flag even if snorkeling and watch out for fishing lines off Anglins pier. We`ve seen really thick schools of fish, huge Tarpon and huge Nurse sharks in 2 feet of water. Many, many rays, even close to the beaches. You can snorkel from dawn to dusk there without ever coming out of the water. Some of the reef is high enough to float over and look into. Great town for snorkeling. You know there`s Hammerheads there too, right??
Right on the sand across from Anglin’s Pier is the Aruba CafĂ© where you can just walk out of the water and stroll up and have a great meal. Fun and casual with great summer drinks and good food.
Ahhhhh....a little vacation once again. I love this blog.
Sarch, appreciate your dropping by and glad we could warm you up a bit. We have been having beautiful sunny cool days. You know cool for us is slightly below 70 degrees.
Yes and I feel for you. My gosh, I'll bet if you go out after sundown you have to pull the windbreakers out of the coat closet! :)
Sarch, We don't have coat closets here in South Florida..(:
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