The only good thing about the freezing weather is that the pesky Iguanas are dying. Seems they cannot survive in extremely cold weather. Their blood gets cold and they pass out and never gain consciousness. One lady said there is a giant orange one roaming in her butterfly habitat and he has a smaller green girlfriend. She is hoping that they don't make it. Iguanas eat the vegetation and tend to destroy the lovely gardens.

There is a neighborhood called Coral Springs that has been without power, so one guy reported that he slept in his clothes with 3 blankets on the bed and and his two dogs. Even the dogs are bundling up. Hey its a dogs life here now and he moved to South Florida to escape the cold.

Many homes and condos in South Florida have no heating equipment at all in the homes. We can remember our first home that we purchased in Fort Lauderdale had AC but no heat. We had a pool but no heat, Italian tile floors but no heat.
One lady was shown on TV as living in a condo on the water, (pricey real estate). She said the boiler was broken last year and they never got it fixed, so none of the people have any heat. She was wearing all her clothes and had the oven going in her kitchen for warmth. I bet you could not find an electric blanket in our town. Most stores are advertising that they have no heaters in stock. Maybe these snowbirds should go back home where they have heaters.
We have also had the usual accidents and fires with space heaters. But fortunately no one has yet burned down the whole house or building.