There are many beautiful yachts like these.

We were riding in an area called Harbor Beach, very upscale, when a guy steps out into the street and flags us down. We thought, oh no, he is probably going to give us some grief for riding on his street. But he wanted to let us know about a Vespa group here in South Florida called the Southeast Florida Scooters. He gave us their card and told us how to contact them. We talked a while and then he got back to his business of installing a window in a house and we got back to our scenic ride.

This is how strange life is. The next week we get an email from a lady who found our blog and wanted to invite us to the same Vespa group here in South Florida. She had actually seen us riding in Victoria Park, a lovely residential area of East Fort Lauderdale. Seems the club is really very organized and they do lots of social events. In case anyone local wants to get in touch with them here is the link to their Yahoo group.
They go on fairly long trips, in fact they were planning a trip to Key West. So we will check it out, but getting on any major highway on our scooters is not a choice we would make at this time. We just started riding in October of last year so we are pretty cautious. Don’t know how many of you have visited Florida, but voting is not the only thing we screw up. We have some of the worst drivers in the country.
The group meets frequently at a place called The Cove Restaurant and Marina in Deerfield Beach. It is a nice place, here is a link to the website. http://www.thecoverestaurant.com/
We ride up to Deerfield occasionally and in the past we have posted some nice beach shots from Deerfield Beach on our blog. So we plan to ride up there some weekend and see The Cove.