With the temperature hitting the mid 80's today, yes it is Florida winter, it was definitely a dog's day so we had to get back to Snyder Bark Park and get a few more candid shots. Is there any other kind with dogs? We thought we would share them with you. This smart hound decided it was too hot to jump thru, better to walk around it.

Baby sitting is a hot job and one has to take a break and cool off. Instead of taking a drink he decided to be the drink. Thirsty anyone?

A warning that the obstacle course and agility equipment is for the dogs ONLY. Never ceases to amaze us what we humans have to be told.

Catch me if you can.

We actually ran into a friend and her dog from our tennis club, which is another post coming soon. Her dog was so funny, she would swim out and get the ball and then swim back to the shore and dig a hole in the bank and try to hide the ball from the other dogs. Here she is looking for a hiding place and then hard at work digging out a little cave for the ball. She wanted the ball to be there when she came back.

At the end of the play date, they get a good bath and we think they probably really need it.
These beauties were politely waiting their turn to romp in the lake.